Exercise Substitutions

Exercise Substitutions

Sometimes things don’t always go as planned. Maybe you’re getting ready to do your workout at home and it requires a piece of equipment that you don’t have, or that super annoying guy is hogging all the equipment at the gym. Well I’m here to help!

Hopefully the following information will guide you and give you some suggestions you need to adjust on the fly!

All of these exercises should be available as substitutions in the Train Heroic App! I will work on keeping this updated!

If you are looking to add to your home gym, check out this post on how to use things you have at home to make new lifting equipment, or look into Stix and Stone Products for the ultimate home gym savings!


In the exercise column search for:

Ain’t nobody got time for that

Lower Body


Other Substitutions – Front Squat, Zercher Squats, Split Squat, Leg Press, Landmine Squat

If you don’t have a barbell – Goblet Squats, DB Squats, DB Split Squats, Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat (RFESS)

If you don’t have any equipment – Bodyweight Squats, Split Squats, Lateral Squats

Deadlifts and RDLs

Other Substitutions – Hex Bar Deadlift, Sumo Deadlift, RDLs, Barbells Glute Bridges

If you don’t have a barbell – DB Deadlifts, DB Suitcase Deadlift, RDL Deadlifts, DB Sumo Deadlift

If you don’t have any equipment – Bodyweight Squats and Glute Bridges

Jumps and Sprints

For any type of jump feel free to substitute a form of squat.

For sprints – split jumps, split squats, or step-ups

Upper Body

Presses – Bench, Incline, and Overhead

If you don’t have a barbell – DB Bench, DB Incline Press, DB Overhead Press, 1 DB Bench, Alternating DB Bench, 1 DB Incline, Alternating DB Incline, 1 DB Overhead Press, Alternating DB Overhead Press

If you don’t have any equipment – Push-ups, Pike Push-ups, Hindu Push-ups, Close Grip Push-ups, Wide Grip Push-Ups, Handstand Push-ups (Extreme, but doable!)

Rows and Pulls

Just a note – These are very tricky to perform without some equipment!

Barbell Row

Other Substitutions – Seated Cable Row, Chest Supported Row, Pendlay Row, Inverted Row, Barbell Pullovers

No Barbell – DB Row, 1 DB Row, Band Row, Pull-Ups, Facepulls, DB Pull Overs

No Equipment – Pull-ups, I’s and Y’s, Reverse Push-Up


Other Substitutions – Lat Pulldown, Band Pulldown

No Chin-Up Bar – DB Row, 1 DB Row, Band Row, Pull-Ups, Facepulls, DB Pull Overs, Band Pull Apart

No Equipment – Pull-ups, I’s and Y’s, Reverse Push-Up

Core Exercises

Pallof Press – If you don’t have a band or cable machine – Substitute in Side Planks

Ab Rollouts – Planks, or Inchworms

Landmine Rotations – Russian Twists, Side Planks

Accessory Exercises

Curls or any Bicep Exercise – Chin-ups

Tricep Extensions, Pulldowns, Skull Crushers – Close Grip Push-Ups